Saturday, September 3, 2016

Parent meeting notes

 Image result for missed meeting

In case anyone missed the parent meeting on Friday afternoon (and I started a few minutes early), here is a quick run down:

1)  Absences:  please encourage your runner to attend all practices if at all possible, to prepare for the races. 

2)  Proper clothing:  dress for the weather (heat, rain, wind, and we'll leave it at that).  If your runner shows up with flip flops or heels, he or she will not be permitted to run.  Instead, we will assign another task such as maintaining the school yard, etc.

3)  Water bottle:  It may be difficult to get back into the school building to get water after we exit.  Please have your runner bring a bottle.  We will remind kids to fill up; and use bathroom, before we exit the building.

4)  Waiver form and athletic code form:  please return all forms by second practice, Wed 9/7; otherwise your child will not be allowed to practice with us.  DO GO OVER THE ATHLETIC CODE CAREFULLY WITH YOUR RUNNER, AND MAKE NOTE OF THE 3 WARNING AND YOU'RE OUT SYSTEM.

5)  Shirt order:  please return with payment by Wed 9/7.

6)  Pick up time is 4:30.  We need to finish stretching, and go over announcements or other educational topics, after we run.  Please do not disperse before everyone is dismissed together.  If you have special circumstances, please email me ( ahead of time.

7)  Buddy system:  we are encouraging kids to run with at least one other for safety, and look out for each other. 

Image result for stretching

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